The winds

I was away,

The winds took me along,

For a fleeting moment,

Which felt too long.


I went on with the flow,

Flying, like a feather light.

I faced each gust with a smile,

For life isn’t just about breezes.


The winds are still strong,

Now, they aid my flight.

I control their course,

And, they clear my sight.


Pic credit : Kavya Sharma

The story untold

A story is to be told,

Of highs and lows,

About lessons learned,

And passions adorned.

A story is in making,

Of lost love to self love,

About numbing tragedies,

And bouncing backs.

A story of fruits and failures,

And shaping self.

A story is to be told,

With an ending unknown.


Image Source : Google

Talk to me


Talk to me.

Talk to me about the night and the stars.

And how you got those concealed scars.

The weirdest possible notions,

Or your withheld emotions.

Tell me, the journey so far.

What hid you?

Behind the imaginary bars.

I want to see your ingenuous eyes shine,

Say it as it comes to your mind.

Without judgement,

I will always lend my ears,

I will be your confidant.


Image source : Google

The calling


At 31, he felt complete.

Married now, a dad soon.

A big house, he owned cars.

But, something still itched his heart,

A faded meek linger in his ears.

A slow whisper now,

About to dwindle.

But the urge remains.

Once a sculptor,

He swooned hearts.

He moulded expressions out of clay,

Carving prolonging memories.

When all went silent, he heard the call.

A call so true, sweet as music,

The sound of happiness,

Into his laden ears.

Poking him, to embrace the whittler inside.

The calling has arrived.