‘The Inside My Head Tag’

Thank you Kavya for the nomination.



How do I feel at the moment?

I feel muddle-headed and amazing at the same time.

What do I need more in my life?

I need a lot of patience.

What would make me happy right now?

Being with the people I love.

What is going right in my life?

My high spirits.

What am I most grateful for? List of 10 things.

  • This life
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Me choosing a pen
  • My persistence
  • Cinema
  • Music
  • Nature
  • Science
  • My thoughts


When did I experience joy this week?

When I chatted with an old friend after a million years.

List a small victory and success?

Getting back from my most troubling phase.

Being able to derive happiness and being calm all the time is success.

What is bothering me & why?

The total disregard to nature.

What are my priorities at the moment?

My parents, my writing and me.

What do I love about myself?

I don’t judge, I don’t scheme, I lack the drama and trivial thoughts.

Who means the world to me and why?

My parents.

If I could share one message with the world, what would it be?

Don’t compare yourself with anyone. That is the only cause of your unhappiness.

What advice would I give to my younger self?

To be able to say no.

What lesson did I learn this week?

Take your stand, always.

If I had all the time in the world, what would I do first?

I would visit Rome and Istanbul.

What is draining my energy?

The irrelevant judgements.

What does my ideal morning look like?

Waking up before the sun and going for walks.

What makes me come alive?


What/who inspires me the most?

People who follow dreams in spite of all the difficulties.

Where does my pain originate?

I want to be a part of creation. I don’t like being a user forever.

What are my strengths?

Persistence, honesty, lack of jealousy, fighting spirit

What is something I’ve always wanted but too scared to get?

I have always wanted to go into an expedition like Bear Grylls but I am too scared of reptiles, specifically snakes.

What is something I would love to learn?

Making music.

Where would I want to live my ideal life?

In the woods.

Where would I like to travel in the next five years?

Las Vegas.

What can I do to take better care of myself?

I can learn to control my anger.

What hobbies would I like to try?

Playing a musical instrument.

When have I done something that I thought I couldn’t do?

I thought my bad phase will suck me deep but I came out of it.

At end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?

My words. My thoughts. My writing.

Thanks for taking out time, and reading this post.

My Nominations:

sriinme, Madhusudan Singh, Ula, poetryfromtheinkwell, Natalya Edwards, Nathi,  Pravasin, Aryan Suvada, Crumpled stars, Onie, Cristian

Looking forward to reading your answers and post.


1) Thank and tag the person that has tagged you.

2) Attach the tag photo.

3) Answers the ‘The Inside My Head Tag’ questions.

4) Tag 10-20 friends.

Thank you for reading.

Have a beautiful day.

Trapped happiness


He sees dough,

And grins with delight…

unable to stop…

can’t hide his smile…

His eyes shine…

With the glimmer of money…

His ears find their favourite song…

at the clink of coins…

He rests his happiness on a few bundle of notes…

So, when it’s gone…

It sweeps his smile away…

The college canteen.

It had suddenly started raining after a drought-like week. The whole campus came out of their accommodations to enjoy the beautiful weather. It was also the time of Ashwin’s evening tea. He put his cigarettes and lighter in his shorts pocket and tagged along with his group of friends.

The college campus was a paradise, full of like a million trees, and always imbibed in energy. One could find all the types of people in the world inside the campus.

The shopping complex had gotten overcrowded as an aftereffect of the rain. People were sipping the famous Irani chai which could hypnotize anyone on a rainy day. It was like all the girls had saved their most shiny dresses for this particular occasion.

Flirts were flirting, stalkers were stalking and there were some serious love proposals being made. Everyone seemed so bright that day.

Ashwin went inside the complex to catch a snack. She was there with a friend. But, she was strolling alone, checking things out.

Ashwin hadn’t felt a wave in a long time. He looked at her and couldn’t stop looking.

She met his eyes and after a small, inoffensive stare both looked away. He picked up whatever he could gather and went to the counter where she was still standing, checking out some muffin packets.

The shop was crowded and he felt weird introducing himself. So, he just uttered, “You look nice”, in a way so that she listens to it and he could still pretend that he is shopping.

She smiled.

Suddenly everybody seemed so impatient to pay the bills and stroll out. The bill counter was getting way lot of requests and some people had to move back to make space.

She moved back towards him. They were so close that he could smell her hair. She was still smiling. And, Ashwin’s heart was pounding heavily.

He was smiling all throughout that evening while his friends kept discussing major research topics and politics.


He woke up late the next morning. Last night’s paper writing went up to 4 a.m. Half-slept, half-hungry, he was stroking his bicycle pedals fast to reach the laboratory. He jumped on to the breaks when he saw her pedalling alone towards her classroom.

He stopped close to her and asked, “Mind some tea?”. She said, “Yes”.


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