Forgive yourself ; Reprimand yourself

You’ve been planning for a long time, for weeks, months, or maybe years. But, you’re still there, still guilty and filled with remorse for not being able to do what you had planned.

Your life is going haywire, and you are a mess. Don’t worry. It’s not just you. Everyone is puzzled by the way life unfolds.

You are working your ass off in that job. And, you come back home, drained, and without any energy left in your body. The only thing you seek is food and a place to lie down. And, it is the same story every damn day.

This goes on and on for a number of weeks and weekends. And, you are still there, wondering what are you doing with your life.

It causes guilt, repentance, anxiety, and a lot of negativity in various forms.

The wise Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said, “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”

You think about a million things that you could do or should do. But, you’re mostly lost in the thoughts of doing it; there is no substantial action.

You start complaining about the lack of time. That’s the story you tell yourself and seek an excuse to lay back again in that cozy bed.

If you’ve been making excuses to yourself, remember it’s just you to blame.

Everyone gets to be an artist. Be an architect of your own life.

Often, when you’ve been delaying things for some time, all the guilt of not being able to achieve it piles up. It takes over your head and you don’t even realize when you have started telling yourself that you can’t do it. You go berzerk.

Don’t let your past acts be a baggage on your soul. Forgive yourself today of all the days that you’ve spent criticizing yourself. Do it right now.


When you forgive yourself, you heal the wounds on your soul. You are renewed. But, forgiving should not be confused with complacency. Thinking about past is only gonna cause anxiety of all the time you’ve lost. Don’t do that. Just forgive yourself.

When you’ve forgiven yourself, it’s time to reprimand yourself. Continuously keep a check on your actions. Keep reminding yourself of all the guilt you had to go through. Utilize that guilt into actions. Start climbing the ladder from the step where you left off yesterday.

You can try out the following steps to be able to start once again and get hold of your life.

  • Wake up tomorrow and forgive yourself, for all the things you didn’t do, for all the chances that you missed. Just forgive yourself for everything.
  • Look at the upcoming day as the day when you’re gonna move towards your goals.
  • Go out there, chill.
  • Work diligently throughout the day.
  • When you come back home, you might be dead tired. This is the time to reprimand yourself. Remind yourself of the the things you wanna achieve.
  • Now, get ready to do do some magic.

Do it every day and it gets into your habit. Take it day by day.

Life is a wonderful adventure. But, if you are not doing what you think will make the person you wanna become, it can become boredom before you even know. You only have one shot at life. Live it to the fullest and achieve your goals.




It is an adventure to know someone,

who could feel the way you feel.

Someone who could understand your silences,

and your talking sprees.

Someone who could speak the truth

in the most fashion so that lies feel unnecessary.

That is when you have kindled a connection.

Whom to write for?

I know, I know we all want to get published. We have been all over the Internet and scurried through every “how to get published” guide. But still, it seems so far-fetched.

But, why wouldn’t it be far-fetched? Do you think Dan Brown or J. K. Rowling just landed on earth as writers? Why do we enjoy whatever Khaled Hosseini writes? Haven’t they faced what you are facing today?

I think they are successful today because they loved what they did.

Why do you write? If the answer is anything other than “because I love it”, then you won’t have the patience to pursue it. Chasing passion is not for the faint-hearted.

If you are only attracted to the glamour that comes along, it will definitely bore you at some point of time (just like that new girl/boy you got infatuated to, but it ended after the first few dates).

I am not trying to scare anyone here. I am only trying to communicate that just like infatuation and love are very different, so is shine and passion.


We all write to be read, right? So, whom to write it for? Write for yourself first. You are your first audience.

If you have put your heart into your words, sooner or later people will read it. And you will get the appreciation as well.

If the driving force is just to get published, you’ll never love it enough. It will cause you anxiety. But, if you fall in love with beautifully written words and want to create of your own, then keep the idea of getting published at the back of your mind and just write. Publishing can come later.

Writing about the most searched “keyword” or the trending topic wouldn’t be fruitful in the long run. You can’t be your best at writing about something that you haven’t felt, something that is not close to your heart.

Social promotion without value won’t help either.

You must raise your piece like parents raise their kids.

There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. If you feel that this is what you’ve always wanted to do, then embrace everything that comes along with it, the time management, the difficulties, the unappreciated piece (which you thought is your masterpiece), and the surprise praises.

You started, right? You have already crossed the first barrier. Now, the next part where the real test begins is to pursue it with all your heart. It will require a lot of hard work and patience.

Sometimes you’ll be appreciated, other times you won’t be. Give it time, give it your heart. When you do that, you create something worth reading, something that you love for yourself. I think that is whom we should write for.

When you have given it time, be patient. One day, somebody reads it and just can’t control appreciating you since it reached their heart as well. Then, it is time to savour the pleasure.

Write like you have always wanted to. Shower passion in your work. Keep writing your heart out and then wait. Let the magic happen.

Looping in thoughts? Here’s what to do.

Have you been thinking a lot and not getting things done? Have you been looping around your thought process so much that you end up doing nothing?

You start at one point, think of the ways that will lead you closer to ‘your thing’, a series of thoughts start and finally you’re away from what you started it all for. What’s the point?

You have the passion, you have the zeal and you also find yourself ready to do it. So, why are you thinking too much and trying to find ways to not do it now? Did you think it would be a cakewalk?

Our mind consistently fights our heart. The mind looks for comfort, while the heart yearns satisfaction. The mind tries to dupe us into a temporary shade with a camouflage of happiness while the heart says to give it everything we have. Hence, the loop.

The loop of thoughts arises when we are doubting ourselves. We start comparing, get conscious and think of the easier alternate road. We all get it at some point in time. With so much happening around, it is okay to feel that way once in a while. Though it breaks us at that point, it feels amazing when you’ve fought it away.

When all’s said and done, perseverance comes out to be a sole winner of “what does it take?” contest. If we want something from all of our heart, we gotta level up. It requires something more from us, else we’d have gotten it already. This transition to the next level is where most of us give up (and regret it forever).


“Perseverance is the key to success”, they say. If we do something for a long time, we become good at it. We understand the nitty-gritty of it and it starts coming to us naturally.

Passion without perseverance is just a brief illusion.

If we are not ready to handle the difficulties, there never was a passion (though we thought there was).

Life is like school all together again. There are monthlies, half yearlies and the big final examination of that particular year :D. Sometimes, we also get surprise-tests, which we totally fuck up :P. Success comes when we carry on, no matter the hardships of life.

‘Maybe this is not the right time’, the mind says. And, if we believe it, we start moving farther to reach closer to our goals. If we succumb to our mind, we also start believing that an opportune moment will come when everything will be on our side.

We set our alarms on snooze and start waiting for the right time. Guess what? It never comes. There are no “right times”. We make it right. To reap the field, you have to water it daily, put required minerals and then have the patience for it to bear fruit.

If you’ve set up your goal, then pursue it right now. Be consistent. It can involve a lot of reminding yourself. It always gets difficult before it gets easier. Don’t let it become just a part of your imagination that you want for yourself. Be courageous, be patient and always persevere.

Cheers \/

एक नई सुबह


घनघोर काली रात को चीरते हुए,
सुबह का पहला आभास,
और वह चल पड़ता |

सपनों के बीच मंडराते हुए,
उसका चेहरा चमकता हुआ,
आँखों में नींद छलकती सी,
दोगुना उत्साह लिए,
वह चल पड़ता |

ज़िन्दगी को महसूस करता हुआ,
हर एक पल को जीता,
कभी दौड़ता, फिर रुकता,
ना सुनता, ना सुनाता,
बस कहता चलता |

काँटों को फूल बना,
ज़िन्दगी में मदहोश,
वह खुशियां बांटता चलता |

फिर श्याम ढलती,
और रात का बेसब्र इंतज़ार,
इकरार में बदलता |
कलम में सपनों पिरोए,
वह फिर चल पड़ता |