
Hello, dear readers. This article is meant for all of us who want to achieve something but then we get distracted as we become so caught up in life. We do all the over-thinking and nothing gets productive.

The moment when realization sets in, is a very confusing time. You are happy and you also repent all those days when you did not do it. We have all made our excuses to postpone something to a later time. As the human mind keeps thinking and keeps wanting to do something. So everything piles up and we are in haste and worried. In the conundrum, we end up doing nothing.

For many of us, life is not just about living in a set. We are outliers. We want more from life than just an 8-hour job. We want to go about learning and knowing more. It could be learning a musical instrument, visiting a particular place, making a short film, etc. It gets too overwhelming in some time and nothing is done. In haste and confusion, we end up doing what’d be the worst possible thing to be done at that time, like over-thinking about how nothing is moving forward and criticizing our actions.

Mostly, we all keep doing what we shouldn’t be doing. This material world pulls us into committing things we don’t intend to do, buying objects we don’t need and thinking about what we don’t actually want. We shut down our heart each and every time it tries to poke us into doing something meaningful for ourselves, not for anyone else, but just our own damn self.

We keep following just like a flock of sheep, never realizing that we don’t even belong to that flock. Maybe, we don’t even belong to any flock. We are here to live our own lives and we keep wasting it in living somebody else’s. It is a shame that everyone accepts it so casually.

Here, I want to jot down a famous and one of my favourite quotes by John Lennon, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”. This is an awesome way to put it. We keep planning for the future, not thinking about what we are losing in the meanwhile; the present.

We should try and assign a priority to every task. Even though we want to do so many things at a time but realizing that there are as many as 24 hours in a day, setting up priority is the best option. Pick up a task, complete it and then move further to the next one. This is a well-tested approach which has worked quite well. Otherwise, there is only chaos and nothing is achieved.

Pic credits : Google

The winds

I was away,

The winds took me along,

For a fleeting moment,

Which felt too long.


I went on with the flow,

Flying, like a feather light.

I faced each gust with a smile,

For life isn’t just about breezes.


The winds are still strong,

Now, they aid my flight.

I control their course,

And, they clear my sight.


Pic credit : Kavya Sharma

The story untold

A story is to be told,

Of highs and lows,

About lessons learned,

And passions adorned.

A story is in making,

Of lost love to self love,

About numbing tragedies,

And bouncing backs.

A story of fruits and failures,

And shaping self.

A story is to be told,

With an ending unknown.


Image Source : Google


Hello, amazing people. This day I want to write about a recent experience of mine when I felt hopelessness and extreme fear of my life. Read on to find out.

When somebody asked me, “What is your biggest fear in life?”, my answer always used to be snakes and heights. I am still afraid of these two things. But on 13th February 2018, I experienced real terror. All the positivity was swept out of me and I was left clueless. I would never want to experience it ever again in my entire life. Those were some worst moments of my life. I never want to go through that thought process.

It was my office lunch. Out of nowhere, I planned to have a few of the infamous “Maha Shivratri pakoras”. They are basically fritters made with weed. I knew about their effects so I had only a small bite. But, when it did not have much effect on me in a few hours, I had a couple more with the evening tea. That was the decision I regretted an eternity like few hours after that.

What happened? Let me tell you the scare I got after that. The places I have been to seemed all new. It was like short-term memory loss in the movie Memento. I was in a huge trance. I had lost all my contact with reality. At times it felt like I am a character in a movie who is living a scene and waiting for the director to say “cut”, but he never did.

Then, the thought of “Skynet” and “Westworld” popped in. I was a controlled entity whose each and every emotion is being outplayed by a computer – Strong AI became live for me. Whatever I was thinking was happening with me and it was all negative. My heartbeat was the speed of a racing car. I felt like I could be turned off by a switch, but that switch has gone bad and now I am gonna stay like this, helpless and confused.

I was speaking in a tasteless fashion. My eyes had shrunk, pupils dilated. I was a living dead. I was cursing my existence in this way. I was begging for it to end but it took its time teaching me properly.

I was experiencing mental slavery. I had lost all control of my mind and it was a pathetic feeling. Everyone seemed an enemy and each word smelt of deception. I was, again and again, getting a feeling that I have been living in a setup all my life. However I wanted to believe that whatever was happening to me was not real, I could not. Just a small portion made me believe that it can’t be true – and that feeling was love, a love for my parents.

I experienced real fear that day. Now, what did I learn? I learned to never ever do substance misuse, even out of fun. And, it is my advice and request to all of you to keep your hands away from such stuff. It just makes you weaker as a person. And, it is never good to feel weak.

Image source : Google

Channelize Your Energy

Hello friends. This post is about streamlining your energy so that it can become more fruitful for you. Carefully channelized energy can be very helpful. It can break barriers which you could never break. Read further to know the secret.

I have often felt that I have a lot of aggression and it always comes out in the wrong form, anger to be exact. I get these fleeting fits of anger. Though it is very satisfying to get them out as soon as they come, but in those brief moments, I become uncontrollable. I can say or do things that I don’t intend to. And often, I regret saying or doing them.

Seeing some unjust event, unnecessary intrusion, being over-smart are some of the things I can’t bear. They poke me to let it all out. And, then there comes rampage. I become someone I am not. I don’t like that version of me, when I do things just like every trivial-hatred and jealousy-struck human being does.

Other times, I feel so alive. I feel happy to just exist in this world as this life has given me an opportunity to make it my own. I am a self-motivated person. When, I have to get a thing done, I set my mind on it and leave everything to get it done. Nothing can bring my morale down.

But, the anger bouts take away a lot of my energy without me even realizing. This aggression of mine can be used up fruitfully. I need to channelize it properly so that I waste no energy. I have tried improving my patience level and have also succeeded a bit.

Now, whenever I feel angry, I think a bit and then it slowly settles down. I come up with a revised version of what I was gonna say and don’t waste my energy. I have learned in time that things that make me angry won’t vanish suddenly once and for all. They are gonna happen again and again. I can’t give in to them each time and start a series of thought process which won’t lead me anywhere.

Such is the story with many of us. It might not be only anger. One wastes energy in several forms like jealousy, hatred, cursing, etc. These trivial emotions never achieved anything. It is okay to feel each of them once in a while, as we are only humans. But, it shouldn’t become a habit. You are running your own race. Comparisons will only bring unhappiness and wastage of energy.

If all this energy can be channelized properly, it can do wonders. Success demands it. Whenever such thoughts come up, stop right there and spend that time in doing something that can improve you and and make you a better person, a successful one.

Image source : Google

Time management

Hi folks. They say, “Time and tide wait for no man”. This adage is so true after all. If we don’t respect time, we lose our own respect in time. Time management is an important part of everyone’s life. It is a ladder to success. Manage time, and you will feel happier. Today, I am writing about my own experience with time. The event that made me respect time even more. Read on to find out.

The winters were on a surge. Being an IT professional, I had to stay up late in the office. Whenever I came out of the premises, it was already dark. The glory of the day was gone. And, it felt there is nothing to do now; go back home, eat and sleep. It went on like this for a week. I am the kind who likes doing things of different sorts. It can be writing, getting my hands on a new instrument, setting up a new playlist, reading, and the list goes on. These are the things that make me.

Moreover, I had picked up some weight recently due to less physical work. It was bothering me a lot as I like being fit. But, with this schedule, nothing seemed possible. I had no time for myself and it was causing me unhappiness. I had to hit a gym soon.

There was a plan of buying a car. But, the problem was I have never driven one. Another thing adds up. I have to join a car training class as well. It was getting so overwhelming.

Apart from my hobbies and extra curricular, I am a very lazy until something gets very important to me. The two major things that I had to do were hitting a gym and learning to drive. It is very difficult to manage two activities at the same time, keeping in mind my 9 hours mentally tiring job. I knew it will be difficult. But, I began. I started waking up at 5 a.m. in the morning for the gym sessions. Every morning, it took me 10 minutes to remind myself that it is important for me. It used to be hell cold outside. I could differentiate 3 °C from 4 °C. My wind-cheater came to a bit of my rescue. After the gym, I used to go for the car training at 8 a.m. before running for office. There was no time to waste.

The morning alarm sounded like a death-bell. It was a huge task for me to get out of the warmth of the quilt and shift my body into the thorny cold morning winds. It was difficult, but I carried on without trying to find an excuse to not do it, though I could think of many.

This went on for weeks. And, at nights I made time for a little writing as well. I had to compulsorily sleep at 11 p.m. to follow this schedule. After a week it felt a bit easier as it had entered my schedule. I waited for the weekends and believe me, they felt divine.

The gym continued but the car training ended after a month. It was a big relief. Now, I could make more time for my hobbies. The time felt extended. Even after the same 9 hours office schedule, I started feeling that I have all the time in the world. That was the day when I realized the importance of time management. We all have a lot to do but we always keep thinking which one to pick up first. Slowly, time slips by and we end up doing nothing.

I realized that I should set up my priority list and do each task accordingly. Trying to do everything only causes chaos. Now, I take up one activity, finish it, then pick up next. And, my pieces of the puzzle are aligning themselves. There is a lot less confusion. I am getting things done. And, I am a happier person.

Image source : Google

Spirit of a fighter

A muddled state of affairs,

And a pitch black night,

Everything circling around,

He has to give it a fight.

He had seen worse and came out,

These black clouds are gonna rain down.

And, when it rains,

A sun awaits with a crown.

Look him in the eye,

If you dare,

In fighting darkness,

He has a flair.

Image Source  –  Google

Your Song – the shaker

Hello gorgeous people. Well, I am again in that moment when I feel that breeze which tells me again and again that life is wonderful. I have started feeling this way too often now. I feel blessed. This thought of mine brings me out of every trouble that I might be facing.

Can there be someone who doesn’t like music? I haven’t found anyone of that sort. And, we all have that one song which is close to our hearts. The song whose each verse defines us. The song which makes us do things. It is like lightning struck inside.

A song that rejuvenates every emotion in those blood thumping nerves of our body. It lifts us up when we are feeling gloomy and blue, clueless, whether to chase the rabbit or give up blinded in the bushes. You’re gonna wanna hear it, again and again, to remind yourself that you aren’t there yet, but you will be; that don’t just give up yet.

There are times when you lose your patience, however patient you are, and think of settling for something more comfortable and soothing, as it might seem at that moment. But, that song works like a fire inside. It makes you do things that you are capable of, by challenging you and shaking you up. It sheds away the things that are holding you down.

It gives you wings to be that bird you had always dreamt of being and fly higher and higher, with your head bowed, accepting everything and moving on, into the glory of achievement and success. It ‘roars’ its way out, through aggression in several forms; enthusiasm, positivism, excitement and new found love for life, to make the most of it, reaching for the dream and facing whatever lies ahead with the spirit of a champion. It reminds you that you weren’t here for nothing. A breeze passes through your hair, and all you hum within is ‘your song’.


Image source : Google